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《肿瘤了望》:[ASCO2015] Thomas Lynch教授、石远凯教授现场解读ASCO热点
日期: 2015-06-02

  在肺癌治疗、特别是EGFR突变的晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)治疗领域,ASCO 2015展示了哪些重要的研究进展?










  NSCLC免疫治疗是2015 ASCO 会议热点之一,您如何评价PD-1/PD-L1抑制剂的疗效?












  石远凯教授:埃克替尼为中国自主研发、亚洲首个EGFR-TKI原创新药。埃克替尼III期ICOGEN研究[随机、双盲双模拟、平行对照、多中心评价埃克替尼和吉非替尼治疗既往接受过一个或两个化疗的局部晚期或转移的非小细胞肺癌患者的疗效和安全性III期临床试验]被接受为2011年世界肺癌大会(WCLC)的口头报告,在2013年肿瘤领域影响因子最高的《柳叶刀.肿瘤》分册上发表。ICOGEN III期研究显示埃克替尼与吉非替尼二、三线治疗晚期NSCLC患者的疗效相当,但埃克替尼显示出更好的安全性,总体不良事件发生率减少,患者耐受性更佳。上市后IV研究(ISAFE研究)与ICOGEN 研究的结果一致,显示出良好的疗效。






  Lynch教授:在过去10年中,肺癌领域取得诸多研究成果。目前已有 5 种治疗EGFR突变肺癌患者的药物,正在对免疫治疗EGFR突变肺癌的潜力进行研究。问题是,对患者进行分子检测后,宝运莱是否有可用的药物针对分子机制进行治疗?目前需要更多临床研究的是RAS突变肺癌患者的治疗。美国有30%腺癌患者有RAS突变,但是宝运莱治疗RAS突变肺癌的药物极其有限。













  比如,在2015年ASCO会议上,来自中国的临床研究“埃克替尼二线治疗EGFR过表达或扩增的晚期食管癌的II期单臂试点试验”在壁报专场展示。试验入组患者为活检确诊有 EGFR 过表达[免疫组织化学(IHC)3 +]或扩增[荧光原位杂交(FISH)阳性]晚期食管癌鳞癌患者,患者已经接受铂类为基础的一线化疗。试验结果良好,初步研究结果提示,埃克替尼二线治疗 EGFR过表达或扩增的晚期食管癌展现出良好的抗肿瘤活性和安全性。








  Thomas James Lynch, MD,国际着名肺癌专家,靶向抗癌药的国际权威,肺癌领域新的治疗方法研究的佼佼者,康涅狄格洲纽黑文耶鲁肿瘤中心的主任、康涅狄格洲纽黑文Smilow肿瘤医院的主任。他对肺癌治疗的贡献已获得世界认可,作为EGFR突变的首位发现者之一,2013年被授予癌症护理巨人奖(Giants of Cancer CareTM award)。Thomas lynch教授在2004年报告了EGFR基因突变可预示EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂治疗,掲开了肺癌个体化治疗的序幕。







  Oncology Frontier: Dr Lynch, as a pioneer in the EGFR-mutated cancer field, what progress have we have seen at this 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting?


  《肿瘤了望》:在肺癌治疗、特别是EGFR突变的晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)治疗领域,ASCO 2015展示了哪些重要的研究进展?


  Dr Lynch: We have had a lot of good examples of progress at this year’s ASCO meeting. We have learned that AZD9291 looks like having excellent activity as first-line treatment in patients with EGFR-mutated lung cancer. We have learned that the Clovis compounds also have activity in T790M-mediated resistant tumors and maybe some patients without resistance. These two new drugs, in addition to afatinib, icotinib, erlotinib and gefitinib will give doctors more choice. In China, I would imagine the disease is a bigger issue for you than in the United States given how much more common EGFR-related mutations are in China.




  Dr Shi: Because of the genetic background, the disease differs between the Caucasian and Oriental populations. For EGFR mutations, patients in the Caucasian population make up about 17%, but from our Chinese multi-center study, we found 50% of our adenocarcinoma patients had the EGFR-active mutation. So I believe the EGFR TKIs will be used more frequently in Chinese adenocarcinoma patients because of the higher incidence of the EGFR-active mutation.




  Dr Lynch: I agree. One thing I was disappointed about here at ASCO was that we had the presentation on the PD-1/PD-L1 study and it didn’t look like the EGFR mutation group seemed to benefit as much. We aren’t completely certain of that yet as the numbers are small and more study is needed particularly in Asia.




  Dr Shi: The PD-1/PD-L1 therapies are developed by Western pharmaceutical companies and we are only beginning clinical study and development in China. In the future, we will have more experience and data.We are currently doing translational research to determine what percentage of EGFR-mutated patients has PD-1 expression. I don’t have precise data so far but you can expect us to announce our findings later.




  Oncology Frontier: What has been your experience with the clinical use of the PD-1 and PD-L1 therapies?


  《肿瘤了望》:NSCLC免疫治疗是2015 ASCO 会议热点之一,您如何评价目前的PD-1/PD-L1抑制剂研究进展?


  Dr Lynch: I think the PD-1 and PD-L1 drugs are very exciting in cancer. In the EGFR setting, I don’t think we know enough yet. Data presented today showed good results with melanoma, but the whole class of drugs is very promising.




  Dr Shi: I would like to ask Dr Lynch what is your opinion on combining EGFR TKIs and PD-1/PD-L1s?




  Dr Lynch: It’s a great question but we just don’t know yet. There are many ongoing trials now looking at combinations so we will have to wait for that data.




  Oncology Frontier: Icotinib is China’s innovative drug for advanced EGFR mutation-positive NSCLC. The ICOGEN study, What is your comment on the efficacy of icotinib and its significance in treating EGFR mutation-positive advanced NSCLC?




  Dr Lynch: I have known about icotinib for many years. Because Beta Pharmaceuticals has US office in New Haven, Yale, I have chance to meet the investigators and leaders in New Haven, Connecticut. I was always impressed by the toxicity profile of icotinib. The data I have seen has always looked very encouraging. The only downside was it has to be taken three times a day but that may be more tolerable with a reduced side effect profile.




  Dr Shi: From the ICOGEN trial here in China, my experience is also is that icotinib has low toxicity compared to other EGFR TKIs. Even though the dosing is three times daily, it is easily tolerated by patients. We also designed the clinical trial as a first-line treatment compared to pemetrexed and cisplatin.After four cycles of induction chemotherapy, we use pemetrexed as maintenance therapy and the results will be announced soon. I am really looking forward to the results for icotinib in the first-line setting. Last year, we received Chinese FDA approval for the use of icotinib as a first-line therapy in EGFR-mutated tumors.


  石远凯教授:根据ICOGEN III期研究,埃克替尼的总体不良事件发生率减少,即使1日用药3次,患者也容易耐受。目前正在开展埃克替尼一线治疗与化疗(培美曲塞+顺铂)对比的CONVINCE研究,化疗对照组后续培美曲塞维持治疗,该研究进展顺利,不久之后会发布研究结果。宝运莱在上市后IV研究(ISAFE研究)中获得了一线治疗的经验。2014年,埃克替尼获得了中国的国家食品药品监督管理局批准的一线治疗EGFR突变晚期NSCLC患者的适应证。


  Oncology Frontier: As we have discussed, there have been several novel therapies coming available for use. What has to be done, particularly in terms of clinical trials, to further improve our treatment strategies?




  Dr Lynch: We are very lucky in the field of lung cancer as there has been so much development over the last ten years. We now have five drugs that are effective in EGFR-mutated lung cancer. We also look at the potential of incorporating immunotherapy. The challenge for us as doctors is that when doing molecular profiling, do we have enough options to meet a patient’s molecular profile? One place I think we need more help with better clinical trials is with RAS -mutated lung cancer. In the United States, RAS makes up about 30% of our adenocarcinomas and we have very few options for treating RAS-mutated adenocarcinomas.




  Dr Shi: In China, the incidence is less than in your population, but it is certainly the next problem to be solved for that percentage of patients.




  Oncology Frontier: In the recent times, China’s pharmaceutical industry has undergone an historic transformation from imitation to innovation.  If you look forward, will China evolve into a major force in drug innovation?




  Dr Lynch: My opinion is very strong. We have seen tremendous commitment to science and investment in science from China. The commitment I see to genomics and understanding the genetics of cancer, for example, will be of huge benefit to China and the whole of Asia by allowing us to do profiling and bring new drugs to market.




  Dr Shi: I agree. In recent years, Chinese domestic pharmaceutical companies have made huge efforts to develop drugs; not just generic drugs but also innovative agents. There are more and more drugs going to clinical trials and consequently more Chinese doctors contributing to clinical research for anti-cancer therapies and also translational medicine.




  Dr Lynch: The Chinese have lead the way in retinoic acid and arsenic in leukemia, for instance, and there are other examples of great innovation from China and that is something we should eagerly embrace and collaborate with.




  Dr Shi: Some drugs are developed by Chinese companies; some ones by cooperating with international companies. Some cancer types are quite specific to the Chinese population such as esophageal cancer, hepatoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The incidence of these cancers is quite different in Western populations. Furthermore, the incidence of cancers like nasopharyngeal cancer has spread to northern China as well as southern China over twenty years or so. So Chinese doctors need to make great efforts to do research on these cancers. For example, we have a poster at this conference describing the use of icotinib as second-line treatment for squamous cell esophageal carcinoma with good results.




  Dr Lynch: It is good!



上一条: 《丁香园》:ASCO2015:埃克替尼用于晚期食管癌的二线治疗
下一条: 《肿瘤了望》:2015 ASCO中国声音---中国创新药埃克替尼在晚期食管癌的开创性研究